Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Media Applauded

Today I applaud the media.

President Obama addressed the public in an open press conference, and he was confronted with real questions! And no one censored anything.

However, after listening to NPR on my way home tonight, I felt a little deflated. Somehow, after listening to all the questions and all the answers, the only comment NPR correspondents had to say was that Obama was akin to FDR. That's it. No specific coverage of his answers, no rebuffs, no assertions, in short--no comments! It was the most bland explanation of one of the most important media coverages in which Obama has yet participated. Could we at least comment on what happened?

Interestingly, the National Public 'We Promise We Are Unbiased' Radio (NPR) actually sent a journalist into the media room for representation at the media conference, and just as interestingly, the journalist covered absolutely nothing of the actual report. In fact, he didn't even quote questions asked by fellow reporters. Perhaps this stemmed from frustration at not being chosen for a question, but not reporting well on an event that helps America see their president is nothing short of poor journalism.

So if you haven't seen the media conference, you need to watch it (if for no other reason than to actually understand what went on). At least that way your view won't be censored.

*NOTE* For an interesting view of the media conference, see:

Just highlight the address above and right click for a google search. It will take you right there.

1 comment:

Kayt and Brian Bell said...

Hey Brock! I found you from Lauren's blog. Hope all is well. I haven't talked to you in ages!