Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Entry, Sept. '08

We aren't great at the blogging idea, but we keep getting family members begging us to post something. So here we go. Just as an organizational feature, we will probably update once a month. Hey, that's pretty good for us. So here's September:

We moved to Columbus, Ohio in July, and we have been living it up. It's a great city with a lot to do. We've been to Irish, Greek, Hick, and Shakespearean festivals so far, and they've all been very interesting. Brock's parents came to visit for Brock's white coat ceremony, and so did my (Nicole's) grandparents. Ty also made a stop on his way home from North Carolina, and it's been fun hosting everyone (that means you are all welcome to come see us anytime).

Brock started medical school at Ohio State. He studies a lot and did well on his first exam, so it looks like he might be a doctor some day, after all. He loves what he's learning and comes home palpating me all over the arms and back (he's studying the torso this month). I definitely don't mind.

I (Nicole) am teaching piano lessons, and I currently have 20 students. It works well for our upcoming expectations (I'll get to that in a minute), so I'm happy.

We are expecting our little girl mid-November, so we'll post those pictures when they come. We're both excited and a little nervous for this huge life change, but we're doing our best to get ready.


Bjorn & Kris said...

Atta kids! Way to join the blogging world. Keep the pix coming, we want to see what Trejos look like in Ohio.

How was the OSU game? Pretty crazy huh?

Go Buckeyes!...I guess.

Lula. said...

Hey guys! Way to go with the blogging! Sounds like life is great! Can't wait to see some pics.

Come see us-- brutsch.blogspot.com

Brock said...

Hey Bjorn and Kris:

So this is our second attempt at blogging. We have another page at: trejomormons.blogspot.com. We're using both to kind-of keep people posted about us, but we're also getting into politics and issues, so we want to get the word out that way, too. Just so you know! Things are great here. Brock's doing very well at school, and I'm looking more and more like a plump piece of fruit. 3 weeks to delivery!

We love you guys.

Brock and Nicole